Photo-Pick Releases

Here you can find what's new at Photo-Pick. Contains a list of some releases and features have been implemented for Photo-Pick platform.

Release 203

Posted on June 25, 2024

New Logo Branding Feature on Completion Page:
- Branding Configuration introduces new settings to customize the behavior of the logo click on the completion page.
- The completion page has been adjusted so that clicking on the logo redirects to a specific URL or is not clickable.

Release 202

Posted on May 27, 2024

New delivery failure functionality for album invitations via email:
- If the invitation was sent to a non-existent or incorrect email address, the email will be marked red in the Photo-Pick account.
- If delivery fails, an email notification will be sent to the album's author (PLUS/PRO accounts only).

Release 201

Posted on April 20, 2024

Changes to Album Settings functionality:
- Enable SEO configuration settings visible for FREE accounts too.
- Allow activation of download and sharing option for PLUS and PRO accounts only.

Release 200

Posted on March 27, 2024

Prevent deleting a team with albums:
Added a check and message if the team administrator wants to delete a team if the team has albums.

Release 199

Posted on March 08, 2024

Don't allow deleting a team member if the team has member albums:
Added a check and message if a team admin wants to remove a team member if the team has member albums.

Release 198

Posted on February 17, 2024

Added a new feature for album links that allows you to set a passcode for the link.
Now the link of any album can be protected with an access code.

Release 197

Posted on February 01, 2024

Added a new feature for album invites that allows to set an access code for the invite link.
Now the invitation link can be protected with an access code.

Release 196

Posted on January 15, 2024

The ability to set the title size for album images has been added to the album settings.
Added default album name settings for new albums and PDF documents.

Release 195

Posted on January 01, 2024

Added QR code generation for album link.
Link HTML embedded code example has been moved to separate dialog.
Records in the 'Opened by Link' and 'Picked Images' dialogs are now sorted in descending order.

Release 194

Posted on December 23, 2023

Added the ability to define a custom album header for each album.
Added automatic unsubscription to emails if the support notification email was not delivered.

Release 193

Posted on November 02, 2023

The functionality of the Back Mode and principle of redirect url have been changed. URL with parameters is still supported.
Added an unsubscribe link in the header to improve the user experience of Photo-Pick email notifications.

Release 192

Posted on October 04, 2023

Disabled Facebook login due to low usage.
Removed confirmation message when deleting a folder if the folder is empty.
Disabled custom branding options if the account has been downgraded.

Release 191

Posted on July 25, 2023

The maximum size of uploaded images has been increased from 30 MB to 40 MB.

Release 190

Posted on July 13, 2023

Added an update to invoices and the failed payment email notification page if the payment card is no longer valid.

Release 189

Posted on June 14, 2023

A new "Branding" settings tab has been added, where it can be set a branded logo and messages for the completion page and emails.

Release 188

Posted on June 06, 2023

UI Changes: Added background highlighting for folder navigation on the right.

Release 187

Posted on May 17, 2023

Drag and drop functionality: highlight new and existing album buttons when drag a file onto them.

Release 186

Posted on May 12, 2023

Added a menu button to create a new folder.
Added context menu to folders to create a new folder.
The functionality to login with Twitter has been removed due to lack of usage.

Release 185

Posted on April 15, 2023

Added information about the device used for the persistent session to distinguish between sessions and add an extra layer of security.

Release 184

Posted on April 02, 2023

Adjusted "Completion Page" to use custom branding logo.
Added branding settings page where PRO user can define custom logo for "completion page" and email; a slogan for the app and a custom email 'From' name.

Release 183

Posted on March 30, 2023

Improved images drag and drop functionalities to create new album and to add new images existing albums.

Release 182

Posted on March 20, 2023

Adjusted the navigation after an album search to jump to the folder and found album.
Now, after searching for albums, only folders with found albums will be shown.

Release 181

Posted on March 15, 2023

Added the functionality to regenerate a link in a short format for PRO accounts.
This occurs if the user purchased a subscription and changed the link format type.

Release 180

Posted on March 12, 2023

Added "Removed Images" feature to the Recycle Bin. Now all removed images are on the second tab.
If there are no removed albums, the removed images will be opened first in the Recycle Bin.
If an album is removed, the removed images will not appear in the Recycle Bin until the album is restored.

Release 179

Posted on March 9, 2023

Added new menu item for the Recycle Bin.
The "Removed Albums" functionality has been moved to a new menu item.
Users can delete removed albums forever or restore them.
Removed albums are located in the Recycle Bin for 7 days and are deleted afterwards automatically.

Release 178

Posted on February 28, 2023

Added custom cover image functionality.
Now PRO users can upload a custom album cover image (image that will not appear in the album).

Release 177

Posted on February 25, 2023

Added new settings for animation images.
Now PRO users can upload animated images with the same kind of animation or as regular images.

Release 176

Posted on February 21, 2023

Added functionality for removed albums:
- Each removed album now goes into the "Deleted Albums" folder.
- Removed album can be restored or deleted permanently.
- The removed album is stored in the "Deleted Albums" folder for several days.

Release 175

Posted on February 12, 2023

The search album functionality has been extended with the following two options:
- Search albums by the number of images. Possible options: search by the number of images "more than" and "less than".
- Show albums with created link only.

Release 174

Posted on February 02, 2023

Album search functionality has been adjusted to include a new search pop-up dialog for specifying the name of the album to be searched.

Release 173

Posted on January 31, 2023

Migrated to the new version of Facebook sign in app for Photo-Pick.

Release 172

Posted on January 29, 2023

Adjustments for security setting:
migrated deleting of all persistent sessions to deleting each individual persistent session.

Release 171

Posted on January 21, 2023

Added two types of sorting for folders: numeric and string.
If album names contain a number in the album name, it is sorted by numbering. Otherwise, sorts using the natural order of the string.

Release 170

Posted on January 19, 2023

Improved usability for mobile devices:
All dialogs with input fields now open at the top to have space for the keyboard.

Release 169

Posted on January 16, 2023

Permanent sessions details information of security settings was extended.
The following information is available now:
- IP Address (including GEO location details popup).
- Flag whether a persistent session is current.
- Valid until date for each permanent session.
Added button to remove all permanent sessions.

Release 168

Posted on January 14, 2023

Added a new "Security" settings item. It contains settings related to Photo-Pick access security:
- Two-factor authentication.
- Permanent sessions (logins).

Release 167

Posted on January 11, 2023

The presentation of invitations on the document overview page has been extended to include a new invitation type that points to an open email. This will be shown if the invited person opens the invitation email.

Release 166

Posted on December 30, 2022

Adjusted the subscription workflow: if a user has multiple subscriptions and one of them is canceled, the user will automatically be assigned a new unassigned subscription.

Release 165

Posted on November 02, 2022

Extended functionality for custom themes. Two new settings have been added to the custom theme details:
- "Theme usage count". Displays the number of times the theme has been used in the albums.
- "Use for this album only". If this option is activated, the theme will only be displayed in the current album.

Release 164

Posted on October 25, 2022

Added sorting for albums in a folder. The albums can be sorted separately for each folder.
The sorting options are by creation, by update, and by name.
The sorted folders retain their sorting when shared.

Release 163

Posted on October 05, 2022

Added option to the settings "Send me reminders and tips from the Photo-Pick support team".
If it is active, Photo-Pick user gets important notifications about the account of Photo-Pick.

Release 162

Posted on September 09, 2022

New Spanish colleagues have joined the Photo-Pick team. Added Spanish localization. The Photo-Pick now speaks Spanish.

Release 161

Posted on June 14, 2022

Extended custom image sorting: added drag and drop mechanism for sorting.

Release 160

Posted on May 16, 2022

Moved images sorting to a separate functionality.
Added custom sorting.
Moved image sorting one by one to the sorting window.
Changed error handling mechanism.
Adjusted image rotation functionality.
Added TFA (Two-Factor Authentication) functionality to the settings and authentication endpoints.

Release 159

Posted on April 28, 2022

Added functionality for a short format link.
Settings were updated to select the preferred link format: standard or short.
The link format is available for albums, documents, folders.

Release 158

Posted on April 05, 2022

Added shared folder functionality: create a link to a folder; share a folder; remove the link to the folder.
Added the ability to protect a shared folder with a password.

Release 157

Posted on March 24, 2022

Changed folder navigation for mobile devices on the album overview page.
The usage of the functionality "selection and navigation folders" for devices with small view port has the best convenience now.

Release 156

Posted on March 7, 2022

Added the ability to drag and drop images into an existing album.
Added a description field to the 'create new folder' window and to the 'rename folder' window. Added description under folder name.

Release 155

Posted on February 11, 2022

Added support for animated images (such as PNG, APNG, GIF) for PRO users.
Added custom theme functionality: user can create custom album theme by defining background color, text color, background image and background image position.

Release 154

Posted on January 01, 2022

New functional behavior: the last choice of moving an album to a team is remembered.
Added upload user profile picture.
User settings was changed in order to have a user profile picture.
The team overview was adjusted for a user profile picture.

Release 153

Posted on November 01, 2021

Added new layouts for albums:
- "Circles" (where each image presented as a circle).
- "Polaroid - Name" (images are presented as Polaroid images with names).
- "Polaroid - Pick" (images are presented as Polaroid images with pick options).
Added new layouts to the settings.
Refactored and resorted themes of album. Added new color themes.

Release 152

Posted on October 01, 2021

Added "Layout" functionality:
Every album can have different ways of presentation:
- "Single column" (where each image presented as one under one).
- "Grid" (images are presented in the form of a table).
- "Squares" (all images are square and are located in the maximum amount on the form).
Added configuration of "Layout" functionality to the settings.

Release 151

Posted on September 01, 2021

Added "Nickname" function:
the author of the album can see and tag the user with his own nickname to easily understand who opened the album.

Release 150

Posted on August 06, 2021

- Added functionality of contacts:
1) A new tab with contacts has been added to Settings.
2) You can add, edit and delete contacts.
3) Contacts can be used for email invitation.
4) Added import of contacts from CSV file.
- Separated the default settings for the new album: for images and for PDF files.

Release 149

Posted on July 03, 2021

- Added the functionality for exporting albums to Dropbox.
It is available on the download album form and on the form of picked images.

Release 148

Posted on June 02, 2021

- Added the functionality for exporting albums to Google Drive.
It is available on the download album form and on the form of picked images.

Release 147

Posted on May 01, 2021

- Added check if file name already exists when adding new files to album.
If such filename already exists, it is possible to skip the upload or upload a file with the same name.
- Added different download types on the album details level: 'all' images, 'picked' images and 'picked by me' images.
- Added an additional download option to download picked images for an album author.

Release 146

Posted on April 01, 2021

- Changes in the design of the GUI: the search button is hidden; added navigation menu for full screen mode.
- Made albums by default on a white background for new users.
- Added info message and window for defining default album theme.
- Added a presentation of the selected sorting for albums.
- Added saving for sorting.
- Added a new sorting type for sorting by upload.

Release 145

Posted on March 01, 2021

- Implementation of the view and download function of invoices. PLUS / PRO users can view and download invoices directly from the Photo-Pick account. The function is in the details of the subscriptions.
- User logo added to team page. It is now visible to all team members.
- Added new notification about albums opened with link for users have not recently signed in.
- Added new notification settings for the account to show album activity or not.
- Added the ability to sort data records in the pick window. Records sorted by name by default.

Release 144

Posted on February 08, 2021

- Presented different style modes: Light - default, Dark - 'Eye Comfort',
White - 'Casablanca' (PLUS/PRO), Black - 'Dark Hive' (PLUS/PRO), Gray - 'Overcast' (PLUS/PRO).
- Style mode switcher have been added to main user menu.
- Style modes have been added to the Photo-Pick account configuration.

Release 143

Posted on January 20, 2021

- Photo-Pick platform rebranding: used a new modern logo; changed buttons of albums for closing, editing, more...
- Added additional themes for albums. Now the number of different album themes exceeds 90.

Release 142

Posted on December 29, 2020

- Account UI Improvements: Added explanatory images to menu items in the Photo-Pick account;
changed action links to not underlined blue style.
- Added an image background at the image detail level depending on the selected theme.

Release 141

Posted on December 19, 2020

- Added a new feature to request a person's name when opening an album by link.
The album owner can request the name of a person to see who opened the album from the link and picked images.
- Added the ability to share an album by link at the level of album details.
- Added country flags for all detail window.

Release 140

Posted on December 01, 2020

- New field "Contacts" added to the message window where a person can not only leave a message and a name, but also contacts to keep in touch.
- Replaced display of action menu items: The user profile picture (or the first character of the name if the profile picture does not exist) is used in place of the user name.
- Profile logo image added in user settings.

Release 139

Posted on November 17, 2020

- New notifications added to album overview page if actions have been taken since last login: 'New message for album', 'Album added to team'.
- Different highlight colors for notifications and counting actions.
- Password protection function for folders has been added.

Release 138

Posted on October 25, 2020

- PRO users can have own logo not only for the albums but for the entire application.
- Image rotation function added. The function is on the level of the image details.

Release 137

Posted on October 07, 2020

- Added the function to rotate an image (the image details level).
Useful if the picture was taken on a device without autorotation capability.

Release 136

Posted on September 14, 2020

- Added notification functionality to show which albums have been opened by link, downloaded or picked.
The notifications are displayed when the actions have been carried out since the last login.
It is possible to close notification or navigate to an album. Navigation is even possible when the album is in a folder.

Release 135

Posted on September 3, 2020

- Presented functionality for merging albums.
This function can be used to merge two or more albums into a new one.

Release 134

Posted on August 25, 2020

- New email notification type added. When a new album is added to a team, all other team members are notified.
- New setting added to Notification Settings page to trigger new notifications or not.

Release 133

Posted on August 21, 2020

- Added a link to create your own logo on the album settings page. This logo can be used as a logo for albums by PRO users.
- The size of the generated links has been increased to 8 characters.

Release 132

Posted on August 10, 2020

- Users requirements update for the image details page: changed the usage of 'Back' button for image details page.
Now if user trigger the 'Back' button, the details page is closing instead of closing the album.

Release 131

Posted on July 18, 2020

- A new public tool has been added to create a high-quality online document from a PDF file without registration.
International version of creation of online document from PDF.

Release 130

Posted on May 30, 2020

- Presented new type of image resolution - 2272 px (PRO quality).
- Added sign to the album overview page if album is presented in a team.
- Added flag to the properties details if album is added in a team.

Release 129

Posted on May 20, 2020

- Added currency settings and functionality to the user settings page. The currency presets, but can be changed on the user setting page.
This option will give ability to pay in a different currency.

Release 128

Posted on May 10, 2020

- Added two menu items to the context menu of an album of the team:
'Add Images' - adds images to the current album.
'Remove From Team' - removes the current album from the team (the album is remaining presented in the albums of the author).
Both options are available to all team members.

Release 127

Posted on April 29, 2020

- Presented new menu item 'Add To Team' for authors of albums in order to share an album for a team.
The first option(create an album inside a team) will keep being supported too.

Release 126

Posted on April 23, 2020

- Added "Subscriptions" functionality.
Now it is possible to subscribe to the Photo-Pick with different plans: PLUS Monthly, Plus Annually, Pro Monthly and Pro Annually.
Now the subscription will be renewed until user cancel it.
The subscription can be canceled immediately or at the end of period.
User can purchase many subscriptions and assign them to anybody by email.

Release 125

Posted on April 19, 2020

- Extended "Teams" functionality with two types of team members: "Admin" manages a team and albums (can add/remove team members; can edit team albums) and "Member" which manages albums (can edit team albums).

Release 124

Posted on April 15, 2020

- Presented "Teams" functionality. Functionality allows to create teams, add members to them and provides access to the specified albums for all team members with the ability to view, share and edit albums.

Release 123

Posted on March 09, 2020

- Added copy album functionality. Copies an online photo album to the new one with the same images.

Release 122

Posted on March 03, 2020

- Added functionality to get GEO location data user IPs in order to provide additional info to album authors.

Release 121

Posted on February 21, 2020

- New type of account is presented. PLUS account type has minimum restrictions and the best suited for users without own branding.
For all list of features see pricing page.

Release 120

Posted on February 14, 2020

- Added image preview overlay to the Pick window in order to see which image was picked.

Release 119

Posted on February 08, 2020

- Added interactive highlight for status of following functionality:
'opens by link' dialog; 'downloaded albums' dialog; 'picked images' dialog.
If some new activity was done for any of these, user will see it as highlighted numbers. After user opens dialog, the values will be gray.
The functionality is available for a PLUS/PRO user, because a FREE user is not allowed to get additional info functionality.

Release 118

Posted on February 01, 2020

- New tab to the "Open by link" dialog: bar chart diagram in order to visualize amount of opens by link per day.

Release 117

Posted on January 21, 2020

- New tab to the album history dialog - Line chart diagram in order to visualize activity of each photo album.
- Added functionality to create new album from PDF file.
- Added new dialog to show album download history.

Release 116

Posted on December 17, 2019

- Presented likes count for each album on the album overview page.

Release 115

Posted on December 09, 2019

- Added ability to sign up/login Photo-Pick application with Twitter account.
- Allow using permanent login for Twitter users too.
- Users are allowed to sign up without an email address (for example, with Twitter account without email).
- Added new setting to activate/deactivate login with Twitter to the profile settings page.

Release 114

Posted on November 25, 2019

- Added two new types of export to a PDF file and download photo album and images. The PDF files may contain images and images with margins.
The converting and export to PDF files is available only for PLUS/PRO users.
- Added native support of the keyboard to delete an image from an album.

Release 113

Posted on November 18, 2019

- Added new details dialog to the album details in order to get detailed information about users who opened the photo album by link.
The info dialog contains the number of opens by each user, location of user and time.
The functionality is available only for PLUS/PRO users.

Release 112

Posted on November 01, 2019

- Added sorting functionality to the audit history dialog.
- Changed the way of the initialization of users by open an album by link. Now the users are differentiating: can be new or returned.

Release 111

Posted on October 08, 2019

- Presented messages to owner of album functionality:
-- option to allow to send messages on the album level;
-- send message dialog for an invited person;
-- messages view dialog on the albums overview page;
-- new option on the settings notification page in order to send notification email if someone send a message.

Release 110

Posted on September 20, 2019

- Album share options functionality were added. It is available if an album is shared per link and the author of the album allows to download and share the album.

Release 109

Posted on September 16, 2019

- Added images resolution options for new albums to the albums settings page.

Release 108

Posted on September 08, 2019

- Added new album themes: "Texture" as background. There are 66 themes available for each photo album for now.

Release 107

Posted on September 04, 2019

- New menu item on the album details level:
download button in "More" menu item if the author of the album allows download the album.

Release 106

Posted on August 26, 2019

- Added ability to share image on the image details page.
If author of album share album via link and allow to download and share it, the share menu item will be shown on the image details level.

Release 105

Posted on August 21, 2019

- Now an author of an album can see if a person invited by e-mail has opened the album or not yet.
This information is displayed on the album overview page and is marked as:
- "closed mail" (invitation sent, but the album was not opened),
- "mail opened" (the album has been opened) and
- the "checkmark" (album was opened and images were picked).

Release 104

Posted on August 15, 2019

- Added functionality to the History info dialog in order to hide actions of current Photo-Pick user.
It helps author of album to see the actions of invited persons only.

Release 103

Posted on August 01, 2019

- Extended amount of invited persons to 1000 for a PLUS/PRO user.
A FREE user has maximal 10 invitations at once (as before).

Release 102

Posted on July 29, 2019

- Added info dialog to the albums overview page for each online photo album. It contains common information about album such as name, description, creation date, update date, image amount, link created, opens by link, downloaded, likes and dislikes count.

Release 101

Posted on July 11, 2019

- Added new tab for picking statistics dialog (albums overview page) in order to provide information about picked images names and amount of likes of an album.

Release 100

Posted on July 10, 2019

- Added picking statistics dialog to the albums overview page in order to provide information about users and picked images of an album.

Release 99

Posted on July 02, 2019

- Added functionality to the profile settings page to remove Photo-Pick account with all connected user data.

Release 98

Posted on June 01, 2019

- Added new setting to the profile settings page in order to view/activate login with Photo-Pick credentials.
- Now email invited person doesn't need to login to application in order to view online photo album. Meantime, the connection will be secured and albums will be opened for invited person only.

Release 97

Posted on May 17, 2019

- Added new setting to activate/deactivate login with Google to the profile settings page.
- Added functionality to open not shared album for invited person only.

Release 96

Posted on May 14, 2019

- Added ability to download online photo album with huge amount of pictures.
- Now download of online photo album is allowed for invited per email person too.

Release 95

Posted on May 04, 2019

- Added new setting to activate/deactivate login with Facebook to the profile settings page.
- Improved performance for online photo albums with huge amount of pictures.

Release 94

Posted on April 24, 2019

- Added cancel upload button in order to stop uploading images in following cases:
- While creating new online photo album on the Photo-Pick start page.
- While resizing photos by means of free Photo-Pick resizing tool.
- If Photo-Pick user creates new online photo album in the Photo-Pick user account page.

Release 93

Posted on April 17, 2019

- Added ability to preset default values for all settings for new albums to the Albums settings page. The list of settings is following: 'Sort images by' (order of images for new albums), 'Like type', 'Show likes count', 'Show image name', 'Show image numeration', 'Allow downloads', 'Allow fullscreen', 'Search engines indexing (PRO feature)'.

Release 92

Posted on April 10, 2019

- Added ability to sign up/login Photo-Pick application with Facebook account.
- Allow using permanent login for Google and Facebook users too.
- Users are allowed to sign up without an email address (for example, with Facebook account without email).

Release 91

Posted on April 1, 2019

- Added ability to sign up/login Photo-Pick application with Google account.
- Allow to download an album per default. The option was requested by users as frequently changed.
- Sort images of newly created album by name per default.

Release 90

Posted on March 22, 2019

- Added ability to choose and set preferable language of Photo-Pick application to the profile settings page.
- New option was presented to move each photo album in a new or existing folder. The option is presented for each album on the albums overview page.

Release 89

Posted on March 14, 2019

- Added new album themes: "Nature" as background. For now there are more than 60 themes available for each photo album.

Release 88

Posted on March 06, 2019

- Adjusted upload of images for mobile devices in order to select only image files and present better view for images search.
- Added an option to "Sign out of all other web sessions" to the profile settings page. It is visible only if the user has permanent login for other web sessions.

Release 87

Posted on February 25, 2019

- New design for album image details page: new icon types for 'share', 'fullscreen', 'close' and 'more' buttons.
- Added ability to allow to open album images in the fullscreen mode on the image details page. The option is available for an author of an album. For more details see Album Preferences description page.

Release 86

Posted on February 19, 2019

- New design Album List page.
- Adjusted themes for albums: font of text can be black or white depending on the selected theme.
- Added new light themes.

Release 85

Posted on December 15, 2018

- Added the ability to create an online photo album without registration.
- The album which was created without registration can be saved to Photo-Pick account.
This functionality was added to the Create Online Photo Album page.

Release 84

Posted on November 16, 2018

- Added album themes mechanism: now every album can have own color and background theme.
- Added 48 different themes to choose for each album. The function is presented on the album details level for each author of an album.

Release 83

Posted on November 8, 2018

- Added ability to allow to index albums for search engines:
checkbox button was added for PRO users on the album details level.

Release 82

Posted on November 3, 2018

- Hardware upgrade in order to have high performance: CPU, storage, and RAM.
- Migrated link page to the permanent link without redirect to album page:
now it can be shared using the address bar too; PRO user will be able to allow to index albums for search engines.

Release 81

Posted on November 1, 2018

- Album settings are migrated to the asynchronous approach: image pick type, likes count, image name, image numeration, allow downloads, sort images.
- The asynchronous way was applied for the 'rename image', 'delete image' and 'set like' functionality.
The changes are concerning album details page for an author.

Release 80

Posted on October 29, 2018

- Provided tool to resize images on the Photo-Pick site: resize and/or convert one or many images in one click.

Release 79

Posted on October 9, 2018

- Added ability to save custom album logo file not only in the image format but in SVG too (albums settings page).

Release 78

Posted on August 7, 2018

- Added unicode converter mechanism utility in order to simplify localization of application.
See Unicode Converter

Release 77

Posted on June 12, 2018

- Added sorting options for an entire photo album:
by creation date (ascending and descending) and by album image name (accessing and descending).

Release 76

Posted on April 7, 2018

- Added ability to change the album header colors for PRO users.
- Refactored PLUS/PRO settings: split PLUS/PRO setting into Albums and Emails.

Release 75

Posted on February 18, 2018

- Image renaming functionality in order to change image name after upload or use it as image description.

Release 74

Posted on December 8, 2017

- Added download photo album mechanism.
- Added option to download entire photo album to the preferences of photo album.
- Added option to download photo album for the overview page of albums.

Release 73

Posted on September 27, 2017

- Implemented sorting positions for each image: move top, move bottom, move previous, move next.
- Delete image button moved from the album overview to the image details page.

Release 72

Posted on July 18, 2017

- New feature: add images to existing album on the albums overview page.

Release 71

Posted on May 8, 2017

- Added lists functionality to group albums in lists.
- Added dialog to move albums in lists.

Release 70

Posted on March 12, 2017

- Added multiple delete for albums.
- The application has a German language localization.

Release 69

Posted on January 23, 2017

- Added different types of likes: now it can be chosen type of like best suited for current album.
- Show/Hide mechanism for likes count.